No Regrets Travel Photo Contest

I think it’s safe to say that travel pushes us out of our comfort zone a lot of the time. It feels empowering and makes us into better humans. Sometimes we do things that are difficult, gluttonous, embarrassing, etc. when we are traveling… but when you ask us about those experiences later we will tell you all the juicy details, with no regrets.

That is what this contest was all about. I asked followers to share their “no regrets” travel photos…and wow I got a wide variety of awesome-ness. Take a look!

The winning photo of Nina, tasting cuy on her service learning trip to Peru in June 2019.

The winning photo of Nina, tasting cuy on her service learning trip to Peru in June 2019.

I feel like this photo fits no regrets because we don’t eat things like that here [in the United States], so eating cuy (guinea pig) helped me experience some of Peru’s culture and traditions. And even though it tasted absolutely disgusting I’m really glad I tried it.
— Nina

Have you ever tried a new food that made you feel more connected to a culture different from your own? What did you think of it? What about a physical activity like backpacking the Grand Canyon or racing a motorcycle that pushed you to your limits? Leave me a comment! I’d love to hear your experience.